Wow. Difficult to believe it but it is now exactly one year since I left my former employer and Sheard Scientific came into being. I didn’t start work on cases straight away, nor did I establish this website, but this is the day.
I could go on at length about working independently – the benefits to my family, health and general wellbeing are immense – but they are obvious. I am able to work from home so have no fixed days and no commute, enabling me to use that time productively and am usually available whenever I am needed by clients.
By coincidence, today is also the wedding anniversary of myself and Mrs Sheard. When I was originally recruited by John Kirman many years ago, he told me that business partnership was as close as being married to someone. I understand what he meant, but respectfully disagree. Marriage involves pledging to support and be supported by someone for the rest of your natural lives.
At no point has that been clearer to me than in 2021 when Mrs Sheard got me to hospital sufficiently quickly to save my life; she then went on to deal with everything and everyone until I recovered. At that point, she made it clear it didn’t matter if I never worked again but, if I chose to, I could do anything I wanted.
The result is Sheard Scientific. Happy anniversary!